What's the need for planting trees?

P.F.AleenaFri Oct 29 2021

Trees help to clean the air we breathe, filter the water we drink, and support over 80% of the world's terrestrial biodiversity. Forests employ nearly 1.6 billion people, absorb toxic carbon from the environment, and are used in 25% of all pharmaceuticals.

Different ways in which trees protect us :

1. Produce oxygen

During a season, a mature, leafy tree produces as much oxygen as ten humans inhale in a year. Many people are unaware that the forest also serves as a big filter, purifying the air we breathe.

2. Clean the soil

Trees have the ability to store toxic pollutants or even convert them into less hazardous forms. Filtering sewage and farm chemicals, reducing the effects of animal wastes, cleaning highway spills, and cleaning water runoff into streams are all benefits of trees.

3. Flood control

Trees can store large volumes of water that would otherwise flow down slopes and into towns along rivers. That is why trees are such a vital feature of many cities' storm water management systems.

4. Control noise pollution

Urban noise is dampened almost as well by trees as it is by stone barriers. Major noises like motorways and airports can be reduced by planting trees in appropriate locations across neighbourhoods or around your home

5. Act as carbon sinks

A tree collects and stores carbon dioxide in its wood, roots, and leaves to generate food. Carbon dioxide is a major component causing global warming. A forest is a carbon sink that can store up to twice as much carbon as it produces. This locking-up process "stores" carbon in the form of wood rather than as a readily available "greenhouse."

P.F.Aleena pfaleena@gmail.comTreeTag Member